On The LEVEL: The Human Endocannabinoid System Explained

How to Micro-Dose at work

Your body, right now, is producing something very close to the molecules that are found in cannabis. When scientists identified these cannabis-like molecules called endocannabinoids, they unlocked a new layer of understanding about how we feel pain, make memories, metabolize food, boost our immune systems, and maintain other essential functions.

It all started with trying to understand how we’re able to feel that classic cannabis high. In the process, they discovered we have special receptors throughout our bodies that cannabinoids like THC can “plug” into.

A history of discovery

In 1990 Molecular Biologist Lisa Matsuda discovered that it is through the human body’s cannabinoid receptors that allow us to get high. Building off of Dr. Allyn Howlett’s discovery of CB1 receptors in 1988, Matsuda and her team were able to decode the DNA of a CB1 receptor and use that code to clone another receptor. With that knowledge, they were able to genetically engineer a mouse to lack this receptor. They then administered THC to this bioengineered mouse and when the THC failed to get the mouse stoned, they effectively illustrated the receptor’s purpose.

Up until this point, there had only been anecdotal evidence that cannabis could reroute mind-body communications. Despite evolving alongside cannabis for thousands of years, we humans knew little about how it all worked. The discovery of cannabis receptors revealed not just the system our bodies use to interact with the plant; it gave scientists a window into the complex signaling systems used to regulate a range of functions and help our bodies achieve balance. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) may have been named after the plant that led to its discovery, but it does much more—most of which we have yet to explore.


We make cannabis-like molecules of our own, but what happens when you add actual cannabinoids (and phytocannabinoids) to the mix? Put simply, cannabinoids act like traffic conductors in your body, blocking some signals from passing (like pain) while moving others along (like appetite). Our bodies naturally do this all the time, but adding cannabinoids is akin to putting really enthusiastic crossing guards on every corner.

Early research shows endocannabinoid deficiencies may be at the root of issues like fibromyalgia, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome. For those who don’t make enough endocannabinoids on their own, introducing cannabinoids may help restore order. All of our endocannabinoid systems are different, so in this regard, slow and steady experimentation is key.


Knowing this, it’s easy to see why cannabis presents some big opportunities because the benefits we get from THC and CBD are both abundant and readily available. Further, remembering the fan-favorites, THC and CBD, are merely two in dozens of distinct cannabinoids that have been found in the plant so far—there is still so much to discover.

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DISCLAIMER:  The Women of MJ Lifestyle are not licensed medical professionals, nor do we claim to be. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or any of the above-listed conditions. However, we find plant medicine to be a brilliant tool that works synergistically with a healthy diet and a mindful spirit. MJ Lifestyle believes in the power of the plant and encourages you to explore with a positive and open mind.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.